Profile PictureBuena Semilla

Paperback edition [English / original Spanish]

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Paperback edition [English / original Spanish]


Soft cover book, 36 pages, full color

Filled with narratives and illustrations by indigenous women of Guatemala, participants in Buena Semilla's Women's Circles.

As we bring 2020 to a close and start looking ahead to 2021, this little book was born as a way of expressing our deep gratitude to all those who support Buena Semilla and the work that we do.

Empowering women has infinite impact around the world. This booklet contains what is most precious to us, "our words and experiences". Please accept them as a deep gesture of gratitude to you for contributing to making Women's Circles possible in our small corner of the world.

All texts and drawings are from indigenous women who participate in one of our Women's Circles in Guatemala, and have been drawn from the virtual, collective spaces they have shared in this unusual year of 2020. They are offerings of sisterhood - words, drawings that the women have prepared for one another to maintain connection, boost each other up, inspire one another, and look after each other's wellbeing.

A bit more information: It has been a time of immense hardship around the world and the communities where we work have been, and continue to be, deeply affected by the pandemic emotionally, economically and socially. When all of Guatemala went into lockdown, we had the idea to gift each of our community-based leaders with a smartphone as a platform to stay connected and share information. Many had never had a cell phone or used the internet before, and the impact of this small action was all but revolutionary. In April, we started weekly virtual Women´s Circles in San Juan Ostuncalco and Santiago Atitlán, and Men´s Circles also in Santiago Atitlán. 

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Suggested price $30 USD, but can pay as little as $20 and upwards from there. This sale is meant as a fundraising event, and all proceeds will go towards supporting the Women Circle participants of Buena Semilla.

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